Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The -NOT- Ugly Truth!

My -NOT- ugly outter bluish 
back and front look! 
. . . and some of my fave stuff, laying there altogether.

Today's blackout was last for 7 F*ckin HOURS!!! how great is that?!
So me and my housemate (since we've absolutely nothing to do!) decided to get some movie "The Ugly Truth" and it was HILARIOUS! Me never stop loving Katherine Heigl ^^ she looks fabulously elegant!
after that, spotted something shiny at Gaudi and couldn't resist to put it nicely on my wardrobe! and... just like that. i did it again. out of control. x(


Becky Tjandera said...

great look ! i love your blazer and necklace . ohh i hate blackout :(

cupcake said...

i'll follow your blog, k?
it's so inspirational!

way to go!!