Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The -NOT- Ugly Truth!

My -NOT- ugly outter bluish 
back and front look! 
. . . and some of my fave stuff, laying there altogether.

Today's blackout was last for 7 F*ckin HOURS!!! how great is that?!
So me and my housemate (since we've absolutely nothing to do!) decided to get some movie "The Ugly Truth" and it was HILARIOUS! Me never stop loving Katherine Heigl ^^ she looks fabulously elegant!
after that, spotted something shiny at Gaudi and couldn't resist to put it nicely on my wardrobe! and... just like that. i did it again. out of control. x(

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Coffee, club sandwich... and robots.

... and yes, The SINFUL layer skirt! 
+_+ beh... fully blinded by it.

. . . Plus Plus Plus!
My cutie lil' cafe is almost ready for it's soft opening ^^
Yay! Way to go,

"Stick Boy and Match Girl in Love"!!!

Just got back home from a very long fun conversation with my pal, Luke. We watched "The Surrogates" and Bruce Willies still got his charms over me and the story line wasn't bad at all, even much cooler than the famous-yet-sucks "Transformer 2"! After that, coffee and some club sandwich sounds perfect for our veins... ^^ sat at Dante's prob 3 hours! talking, laughing, sharing, giggling, gossiping (excuse me, Luke, you're not a girl, aren't ya? because you're good at being one lol) and bought a real nice layer skirt from Orange today... oh... i shouldn't be tempted for any shop right now, i know... i know... but i couldn't help it!!! it's too precious to leave it behind! Gosh... i need some help. Psychiatrist maybe? anyone? C=

Monday, October 5, 2009

my greeny gloomey.

Today's theme: Rain and . . . SHREK!
Introduced my new greeny chubby man, he just flew from OZ and knocks my heart with his ugly yet hilarious expression ^^ how adorable! 
How can i say NO???
He's the only man who knows how put a smile in mine =)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

shallow mellow. Mellow shallow.

 this is what i called "perfection"

 ... and i wore my MaryToys' outter and Goldy harem pants today!

I believe things happened for a reason.
What i didn't believe is bad things happened just like that, come one by one, popped out the vein in my head and the rest is mellow all day... accompanied by rain all day.

Mellow things:
- my dear and lovely Grandpa just passed away, yesternight, 19.45 pm (bumped me real bad...)
- the rain never stop falling... and me? umbrellaless.
- tomorrow is monday *SIGH . . . (be tougher for the toughest!)

Shallow things:
-- got a stupid fight with my sister =C it's just too S.T.U.P.I.D and it doesn't make any sense
-- still struggling with my OZ's survey. Super blank. "The closer the deadline, the better it is!" (i know... stupid thought)
-- wet my eyes with the mellowness and shallowness (it's a mixture kinda feelings and i feel stupid now for let my self too less than others...)
in spite all those melancholic stuff that i mentioned up there, there's still a chance of happiness even just a slight C= my Vintage Red Bag has arrive from What To Wear Online shop! Yeah...

Don't let anything get you down...

Friday, October 2, 2009

yeh, 'm crazy like that

Happy Happy Happy!

Still a fabulous morning of mine! 
My precious package from Mary Toys has arrived! 
A whole lotta love for my two cutie-secondhand-made-outter!!! 
Check it outttt!

C: C: C:

Some Pete Yorn for my morning after...

Lately i've been awake early in the morning and it feels great! Had my fabulous a-must-have-coffee breakfast, took a shower, and now 'm downloading Pete Yorns and 'm in love with him! his sound and lyrics always made my morning!

...And it’s a strange condition,
A day in prison,
It’s got me out of my head
And I don’t know what I came for,
I want you to know...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Morning, early coffee, late brownie lol

Can't decide which outter should i wear today! 
and i got a big presentation to do today! 
Wish me luck :)


How i missed my bangs! gonna cut it out ASAP!

It's a surprised for me to succeed open this blog because it has been a long time ago since i posted things and i'm positively sure that i forgot the password, but magically it works! Yayness! okay, i've been deleted some of my older post because it's YUCK! sooo.... i'll make this one a completely different style with my other blog (yes, i've got thousand's of'em, none of'em works properly lol).
This one will be just about fashion, my daily outwear, my favorite style and the ones whose been inspiring my style!
hope this one will last!
*finger crossed*

Friday, March 20, 2009

me an the armpit.

Good stretching will stretch away the vein in your armpits!
Sunny afternoon, relax armpits.
what else could you ask???

-Lady Muffin.