Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Coffee, club sandwich... and robots.

... and yes, The SINFUL layer skirt! 
+_+ beh... fully blinded by it.

. . . Plus Plus Plus!
My cutie lil' cafe is almost ready for it's soft opening ^^
Yay! Way to go,

"Stick Boy and Match Girl in Love"!!!

Just got back home from a very long fun conversation with my pal, Luke. We watched "The Surrogates" and Bruce Willies still got his charms over me and the story line wasn't bad at all, even much cooler than the famous-yet-sucks "Transformer 2"! After that, coffee and some club sandwich sounds perfect for our veins... ^^ sat at Dante's prob 3 hours! talking, laughing, sharing, giggling, gossiping (excuse me, Luke, you're not a girl, aren't ya? because you're good at being one lol) and bought a real nice layer skirt from Orange today... oh... i shouldn't be tempted for any shop right now, i know... i know... but i couldn't help it!!! it's too precious to leave it behind! Gosh... i need some help. Psychiatrist maybe? anyone? C=

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