Monday, March 22, 2010

Mengencani diri sendiri.

... she could die for those vintage and supersize oldies clothes! 

please come, see and mock people!

Third: well, ignore my sexy half-face x) but this one is just…
 what do we call it? uhm…
 Love at the first sight! hahay…

Forth baby, forth! THIS ONE! is super oversize ^^ but me super heart it!

Fifth! the last but not the very last is… Lady Hippo’s favorite! 

How people? how? hehehehe...

Well, after all the cheap yet fun shopping, i treated my self with a bunch of pleasure. 

Went to the gym (the shower was fabulous!), bought Java Avocado Coffee at Bengawan Solo, Watched a 3D cartoon titled "How to train your dragon" fun fun fun.

uhm.. after that, went to Gramedia, bought couple of books "The Naked Traveler 2" by Trinity and"La Barka" by Nh. dini :)  

So long weirdo talker!

... anyway, i had a great time with my self! gotta do this more often ^^


  Lady Hippo.

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